College Officers

College of Asia Pacific (CAP) Officer – Coursework



Arushi Ganguly

Ticket: Advocate

Arushi is a first year student of the department of International Relations at the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs. Between weekly readings and assignments, she finds herself lost in the aisles of Menzies, looking for a book that would pique her interest. Having been a student at various institutions before, she brings with her the expertise of being a core member of student led organizations. She understands and empathizes with everyone whose educational plans have been shaken by these unpredictable times. If elected, she vows to stands for the interest of the students of the College. The College of Asia Pacific has a potential for producing scholars and thinkers who would make significant impact in the coming years and constructing a network of dialogue and exchange between students within the College would be a cornerstone of her ambition as the coursework officer. A bi-monthly network, she believes, has the potential for fostering better understanding of ideas that shape the world around us and creating better students out of all of us.


Katherine Burgoyne

Ticket: Independent

I am nominating myself for the position of College Representative for the College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP). As a Master of International Relations student at the College of Asia and the Pacific, I am passionate about the diversity within and around Australia. With a background of studies in China, South Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines, I have spent many years researching the complex and diverse makeup of the region. At the beginning of this year I received a New Colombo Scholarship to undertake a research project at the University of the Philippines, whereby I worked towards creating greater connections between Australian-Philippine collaboration.

As a committed student with a passion for the Asian region, I have grown enormous respect for the College of Asia and the Pacific at ANU, long admiring the teaching and student cohort that strives to be one of Australia’s strongest Asia Pacific educational areas. As a College Representative for the College of Asia and the Pacific, I aim to have an active voice in the community, liaising and advocating for the interests of all CAP students.

I have extensive experience, through both volunteer and paid positions, supporting, liaising and being a point of call for students and people in need. I would be honoured to represent CAP, working with PARSA and the university to support our students during the challenges that have come through COVID times.




Ticket: ANU United

My name is Saira Israr. I did my bachelor's in business administration with majors in finance. Currently I am doing Masters in International and development economics from Crawford School of Public Policy.

I aspire to be a development practitioner in a multilateral organisation. I want to be part of the policy formulation team and see how policy devised at the top level creates impact at the grass-root level. I have 5 years of progressively responsible experience in the development sector and it gave me enough opportunities to work hand-in-hand with the downtrodden part of the community and experience impact of the development policy. Now I want to be part of a university level team that devise policies for the intellectual, emotional, physical, and social wellbeing of the students in the backdrop of unforeseen circumstances like today's pandemic. 

Other than work, I love to cook especially south asian food. Mix of south asian spices is my favourite. I love practicing mixed martial arts as well. I have realised that it has taught me well on self-control and has improved my tolerance level.



College of Business And Economics (CBE) Officer- Coursework



Gilang Hernanda

Ticket: Advocate


Hello! I am Gilang Hernanda. You can call me Gilang or Gee, in short. I was born in a small town in EastJava, Gresik, in the archipelagic country of Indonesia. I am a Master’s of Entrepreneurship and

Innovation student at CBE. PARSA has been an essential part for myself and my student friends in

ANU. The organisation has supported many students to succeed in their study and, more importantly, not feeling like they are here by themselves.

I intend to pay back by making real contributions to assist students like me in thriving and in ensuring that their thoughts and voices are heard. Therefore, I am running to become PARSA’s College Officer for CBE, together with amazing individuals in the Advocate team.

Listening and being accessible is vital to hear and subsequently advocate your aspirations to drive the critical changes for the better. Hence, my key plan is to make myself available. I am a coffee person; you can catch me in the corner of coffee shops around campus. Other than that, I like studying in the library. We can always chat in the group study rooms! Furthermore, if you feel talking to me in person is not comfortable for you, I will augment myself by creating listening mechanisms online, so all your voices are heard.

I am hopeful that you will support my candidacy to become the College Officer of CBE! I appreciate

your support and thank you very much in advance.


Rui Gao

Ticket: Advocate

Hi everyone, my name is Rui and I am happy to be running for the position of College of Business and Economics Officer of PARSA at ANU.

I have been an active PARSA volunteer and a marketing representative in CBE’s largest society, the ANU consulting society, to help with organising and promotion of various events. Now I am excited to get more involved at a higher level and help CBE students enjoy their lives in our college.

From my experience in CBE, due to short program duration and stressful workload from schoolwork, one of the biggest concerns of postgraduate students is their career development. So, I will work with our CBE Careers team to find more domestic and international internship or graduate opportunities to improve students’ industry skills.

Moreover, CBE Special Industry Internship Program in Canberra begins this year.

However, it is exclusively for undergraduate students. If I can be elected as a CBE coursework officer, I would aim to make this program also benefit to our postgraduates.

Thank you everyone and I am looking forward to contributing more value and making positive changes to CBE students’ experience.



Ticket: ANU United

I am Sourodip Paul from Bangladesh and I am currently in my second semester of my Master of Economics degree from ANU. I am running for the CBE Officer post in the PARSA elections this year. I believe in a more inclusive ANU that is better for all the students regardless of their background. I have experience in student leadership positions from my undergrad when I used to be the Vice President (Debate) of the communications club of my university. I would like to make sure that the post grad experience at CBE is better for everyone at ANU.


For more information please visit our Facebook page for ANU United where you will find our policies and the rest of the team. 

We are highly appreciative for the opportunity and we promise to deliver on our commitments.



College of Engineering & Computer Science (CECS) Officer – Coursework



Suikei Wang

Ticket: ANU United

I am Suikei Wang and I am an international student from China studying Master of Machine Learning and Computer Vision in College of Engineering and Computer Science. I am an academic tutor in CECS for 2 courses, so I understand what students in CECS want to know. I am running for the position of College Officer for The ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science in the 2020 PARSA election on the ANU United ticket. I am keen on communicating with postgraduate students in both career and life. Our team ‘ANU United’ is diverse but we believe in working together. We have a very supportive and innovative team. Let me speak for you at PARSA and make a difference together!

To help our community flourish together, vote for ANU United. Our grand strategic policy can be found in Facebook page. We are highly appreciative and we will deliver on our commitments.


Tuan Tran

Ticket: Independent  

My full name is Tuan Anh Tran. I am an international student majoring in Renewable energy at the

College of Engineering and Computer Science. I am writing this letter in order to express my intense

interest for the Coursework CECS officer at the ANU Postgraduate & Research Students' Association.

COVID-19 has been the most serious pandemic over the past decade. Moreover, its consequences

are notable worldwide, especially thousands of death in the USA and Italy as recorded. Having been being course representative in several courses at the ANU, I, so far, really understand what students have been coping with and how they have been suffering to overcome these serious situations in

Canberra, or even Australia generally. Hundreds of international students lost their jobs due to business closures and therefore, they became frustrated consequently. In this way, they were, obviously, in worse cases without any helps from family and friends. Having sympathized with them, it was my big motivation in order to join my hands to repel the pandemic in the social community as soon as possible.

As a result, everyone will soon return to the ordinary peaceful life as usual. By taking part in the PARSA community at the CECS, I would be able to get chances to collaborate with other fellow students in order to assist ANU students over this COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. I have fulfilled myself with essential competencies which I think they would make me a worthy candidate for this position.



College of Health & Medicine (CHM) Officer – Coursework




Jeanette Carter

Ticket: Advocate

Jeanette is completing a Master of Public Health at ANU. She previously received a Bachelor and Graduate Diploma in Psychology from the University of Sydney. Her interests are in mental health policy and advocacy and creating inclusive communities. She currently works as a community engagement volunteer with VolunteerACT, assisting community members with arising needs from emergency crisis support to volunteering assistance.. Her interests include art, biological sciences, travelling, especially learning other languages, cultures and foods. She feels she can add a real contribution to CHM coursework students and hopefully advocate and assist them with all concerns arising from University life. Additionally she would like to help them to utilise the many ways in which PARSA can assist and enrich their lives. Her ultimate aim is an environment where all CHM students have the capacity to be heard and represented.


Upasana Pathak

Ticket: Independent

As a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery student at ANU, I have received incredible support from PARSA throughout my current degree and this had aided me in achieving my full potential (both academically and personally) at ANU. In particular, the help I received from this year’s PARSA ANU College of Health and Medicine Officer has helped me navigate difficult issues surrounding unfair workplace practices and has ensured my mental wellbeing. I would like to provide similar support if not more to other post-graduate students of the ANU College of Health and Medicine and be a vocal advocate for them through the role of PARSA’s College Officer. 

Throughout the course of my current degree, I have gained extensive work experiences and leadership experiences. Currently, I am the president of the ANU Rural Medical Society (ARMS). Previously, I have been the Social Officer for ARMS and a UnilLodge Residential Committee member. I am also an active volunteer in the community and have volunteered for several organisations in Canberra and Melbourne.  Undertaking a medical degree, working part-time, and being actively involved in extracurricular activities both within ANU and outside ANU, I understand the subtle nuances associated with being a post-graduate student. These experiences make me prepared to tackle any issues arising within this role. Plus, these experiences of mine have enhanced my communication, leadership, advocacy, and time management skills. My experiences and my interpersonal skills make me a strong candidate for PARSA’s ANU College of Health and Medicine Officer.



College of Law (COL) Officer – Coursework




Alexandra Arlington-Elgue

Ticket: Advocate

My name is Alex and I’m a Juris Doctor student in my second year of study at the ANU and I am thrilled to be running for the role of College of Law Representative at PARSA. Currently I am on the Law Students’ Society as a Social Justice Director, having a passion for human rights and equality on campus.

This passion has been driven by my paralegal work in family law. I am passionate about cultivating an open dialogue about the issues that post-graduate students face at the ANU today and creating an environment where all students know who to approach to receive prompt support. As College of Law Representative, I hope to create a direct conversation between the students and the college, so that no student feels as though they do not have a voice at the university. In particular, I want to make sure that the rights of international students and marginalised groups are recognised. Community is important, and we cannot let students feel disconnected due to COVID-19 restrictions. This is why I feel honoured to be a member of such a motivated and engaged team. I look forward to seeing you around campus!


Peter Hanna

Ticket: Advocate

Hello all, my name is Peter Hanna and I’ll be running for the College Officer at the ANU

College of Law at this year's PARSA elections. For those who do not know me, I have spent 7 years in Canberra studying both as an undergraduate and postgraduate student. I am known for being the type of guy who devotes his time to his sports, dogs, and books. Despite the constant companionship I receive, I highly value my time making new friends and lending a hand to those who need it most. 2020 has been one heck of a year. For many of us, particularly post-graduate students, this has been a year induced with uncertainty and doubt. Although our tertiary systems have been equipped to deal with the known knowns and ensure the status quo is well oiled and maintained, the Coronavirus Pandemic has given our tertiary system a wake-up call. So, at times like, these, we need people who are well equipped to advocate and provide a voice for the voiceless.

I have had my share of challenges, both an undergraduate and postgraduate student. But with a wealth of student experience, volunteering, and over 5 years of professional work experience, I can (and will) do my utmost to stand up and be a voice for our valued postgraduate law students. I believe every student, regardless of where you’re from, what your parents do, or where in the socio-economic rank you stand, ought to be given the same opportunities to do their best. I will advocate and pursue students’ needs when they need it most. That is why I’m running for the College of Law Officer role.

Contact PARSA

PARSA Office
Level 2, Di Riddell Student Centre
Kambri Precinct
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601