College of Asia & the Pacific (CAP) Officer
Milena Soares (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Vision

My name is Milena and I am an international student doing my Master of Public Policy in Regulation at the Crawford School/RegNet.
One year ago I arrived from Brasilia in this ‘wide brown land’, and it's been amazing to live in ANU’s vibrant and diverse community. I simply fell for it!
Some of you might know I've been engaged in promoting students' social life as president of the Crawford School Students' Society (CSSS). In that position, I could achieve an overall understanding of students' concerns and learn how to navigate the bureaucracy to get things done.
Now I'm running to be your representative for the position of College of Asia and Pacific (CAP) Officer, which means I would be able to promote a broader agenda beyond social life.
I’m with Vision for PARSA, a team that values Community Spirit, Proactive Leadership, Accountability and Fairness, Advocacy, Supportiveness and Accessibility.
I believe in the power of actively listening to students' needs. That is what I have been doing so far, and what I want to continue doing if you allow me to embrace the CAP officer position.
Vote Vision for PARSA!
Andree (HDR Officer)
Ticket: Vision

Hello CAPpers!
I am Andree Surianta, a PhD in Policy and Governance at Crawford. I am proud to be part of the largest community of Asia-Pacific experts in the English-speaking world and I look forward to representing you as the CAP PhD Officer with the VISION team.
I called Indonesia home, but I’ve spent a quarter of my life living in Canada, Malaysia and, now, Australia. Despite experiencing various universities in multiple countries, my early months here were quite a struggle. PhD policies seem to vary across the university and even within Colleges. At first, I thought that this was my problem, however I found out that this was not the case.
A recent forum on “Redesigning ANU PhD” reveals that many PhD students face the same policy confusion. Such a structural issue puts unwelcome burden on the delicate tightrope of work-life balance that we treaded on. The university’s initiative of a PhD re-design is appreciated, but we need to ensure that our voice is heard in the process. I look forward to representing your stories and ideas, your roadblocks and speedbumps, your achievements and dreams – and most important of all – your vision for CAP PhD.
Vote for me, vote for VISION!
Maeve Rolland (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Empower

Hi, my name is Maeve and I’m running for College of Asia-Pacific Officer. I’m currently running on the ticket Empower, which aims to advocate for more supportive environment in PARSA. More information on that can be found on our website:
I’m currently in my second semester of my Masters coursework degree in International Relations. As I started my degree this year, I was able to understand the difficulties in transitioning from undergraduate to postgraduate studies. As a CAP officer, I would also aim to ease this transition in the college, especially for students who are new to the university or to their respective field of study. For example, this could be through more peer assisted learning sessions, as well as events that run later or earlier for those who have limited availability during the daytime. As a student who also works long hours, running more events that are not only beneficial to CAP students, but also run at hours that benefit as many as possible, is incredibly important to me as I understand what it is like to miss out due to other commitments. As part of the ticket Empower, we aim to introduce the Shut Up and Write concept to coursework students, as well as to create more internship opportunities, both of which I feel strongly about pushing for in the CAP role. Most importantly, I would like to listen to as many as your experiences as possible, in order to make the college a welcoming environment (Word limit reached)
College of Business & Economics (CBE) Officer
Yaowen(Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Empower

Hello! Ni Hao! My name is Yaowen (Paris) CAI, from China. Currently, I am processing my master’s degree in accounting at ANU after finishing my bachelor’s in finance. I worked as an intern at investment banking division in CITIC Group, assistant at ING Group and a part-time assistant at Deloitte China during my university study; besides, I was the course representative at CBE and was volunteering for UN Women Australia, The Red Elephant Foundation (U.S.) and International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE). Now, I am undertaking marketing affairs in ANU Consulting Society and working for UN Volunteers. Meeting with new people is one of my interests as I am able to make friends and study various cultures from different countries and regions; in addition, I enjoy doing sports, dancing and composing music when I am not studying.
As a CBE Representative candidate, I propose to improve teaching quality as well as students’ welfare; at the same time, I will lobby for more internship opportunities and employment trainings for both international students and local students. If you’d like to learn more about these initiatives or the Empower Team, please visit our website, follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Yingnan Shi (HDR Officer)

My name is Yingnan Shi, I am doing a PhD in knowledge management in the ANU College of Business and Economics, tutor in CBE, and I’m running for the CBE Officer. My team and I have noticed that our inter-school connections among research students are much lacking! We deem this is not good, because we know that it is important for us to collaborate and to generate more opportunities for inter-disciplinary studies and for brilliant ideas-generation! We will run a range of CBE-wide workshops and events and to help students know each other about their research interests and current progresses. I’ve been involved in student services and have taken other student association roles for more than 5 years, and now I'm running to be your representative for the position of CBE Officer, and let us go together and make those great events happen! Please vote for me and my team, Vision!
Neel Gala (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Vision

My name is Neel Gala and I am standing for the CBE Coursework Officer. I am a second-year postgraduate student pursuing Master of International Management in CBE. I believe with great power come great responsibilities. I love being challenged and that’s what drives me to perform to the best of my abilities. Having been in a leadership position right since the school days and through the undergraduate has helped me develop leadership traits and qualities which has groomed me to become what I am today, which is why I’m running with Vision to be the CBE Coursework Officer.
I would like to be seen as approachable by the students who can directly talk to me about their grievances and I’ll try to resolve it to the best of my abilities. Being a General Secretary for my college in my undergrad, I’ve had the experience of being in a leadership position and making the students’ voices heard to the college management. I would like to see the students in CBE as a close-knit community and I would like to contribute towards making it a stronger community by standing for the post of General Representative of CBE.
I understand that PARSA has achieved some remarkable success in the past and it will be an uphill task to continue doing what is being done but I believe with my experience and problem-solving skills I will be able to help the students with their grievances. I am determined enough to create a positive difference. (Word limit reached)
College of Engineering & Computer Science (CECS) Officer
Puneet Garg (HDR Officer)

Ticket: Empower
Hello, my name is Puneet and this year with the tremendous support of you guys here @ANU, I plan to run for the College Officer (HDR) of ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science. Some of you know me from working in Craig, Ian Ross and Engineering Buildings while some know me from the different on/off campus PARSA events we attended together. Nobody can deny the fact that CECS is one of the best places to work/study, yet some of us have to face some challenges. During the next one year, I will be there to know about your problems and try to resolve your hardships to the best of my capabilities and ensure that you have a wonderful experience @CECS. Moreover, together we will also strive forward to achieve additional goals throughout the year like carrying out programs which will facilitate your research/study, assist you in your day-to-day activities and make your @CECS journey even more enjoyable. In return, all I need is your valuable vote for me and my team. Help us serve you better by placing us in the core committee.
You can learn more about what Team Empower stands for on our website and you can follow us on Instagram @empower.anu and Facebook @empower.PARSA
Sid Pethe (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Empower

Representation – that is exactly what I wish to do as the College Rep for ANU CECS. I wish to convey the thoughts and opinions of my fellow students in front of the council, unadulterated and unbiased. If you can find me worthy of your trust, I will take a stand for the interests of the students of CECS. Without
malice or prejudice, I shall aspire to put their interests first. Being a Tutor and Coursework student simultaneously has given me some crucial insight into the
problems affecting everyone at CECS. I shall try my best to provide support to those affected by these problems while the council works on ways to eradicate them altogether.
I am currently in my second year at CECS, pursuing a degree in Master of Engineering (Mechatronics). I am also doing research at the Australian Center for Robotic Vision (ACRV), collaborating with PhD candidates and researchers there. I love the ANU campus, especially before construction work began. I have spent days (and nights!) at ANU and I feel like this opportunity will only help me make the experience better for everyone else.
Roc Chen (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Vision

Hi! My name is Roc Chen. I am studying a Master of Computing and I have been an embedded software developer for 12 years. I was leading a project management department that has 180 staffs before I came to ANU. I am running for PARSA with team Vision!
I am running for CECS Coursework Officer because I am a well-experienced IT manager, and want to help CECS postgraduates find more connections with the department leaders as well as ANU central. I will try my best in the role, devoting my skills and enthusiasm building the bridge between them and speaking out as a CECS Coursework student. Please consider voting for me and my team.
Ankita Gagrani (HDR Officer)
Ticket: Vision

Hello everyone, my name is Ankita and I am a PhD student at the College of Engineering and Computer Science. Currently, I am a CECS officer in PARSA and I am running for this position again to keep serving the CECS HDR community.
Being an international PhD student myself, I am very well aware of the issues faced by CECS HDR candidates. As a current college representative, I have assisted many students to access mental health and well-being and other professional support for a better HDR experience. For the past ten months, I have worked with PARSA to ensure a strong support network and voice for CECS postgraduate community in ANU.
I am looking forward to continuing this journey of creating a positive and supportive environment for CECS postgraduates. As your representative, my VISION is to be your voice regarding your “HDR” challenges and promote social interactions among the members. This is an opportunity for you to support me to achieve our collective goal of a strong, happy and successful CECS postgrad network.
Please vote for me and my team so we can proactively work to create a vibrant experience for you at ANU.
College of Science (CoS) Officer
Jessica Hargreaves (HDR Officer)
Ticket: Empower

Hello! My name is Jess, and I would love to be the HDR representative for the college of science. I am a member of the ticket called Empower and our main aim is to improve both the academic and social experience at ANU for all postgraduate students. If you would like to learn more about our team and our views, you can visit our website, and like our Instagram and Facebook profiles.
I am a first year PhD student in Earth and Marine Sciences, researching the changes in past climate. I am a bright and enthusiastic first-year student and I think that my experience brings a new, fresh perspective into the role of HDR representative for the College of Science. I started my PhD in March, and since starting I have volunteered for a number of PARSA events, and science run events I believe that issues such as milestone reporting, transparency, and providing improved support for PhD students from increased socialisation to issues within the academic process are important to address and imperative to science PhD students. Most importantly, I would like to be able to take on HDR student opinions and ideas for improvement and to facilitate the conversation for transparency within the HDR candidature.
Andrew Almonte (HDR Officer)
Ticket: Vision

Hello everyone! My name is Andrew Almonte and I am running to be your College of Science Representative. I love science – I received a B.Sc. in Chemistry from the US Naval Academy; worked as an intern in a genetics lab at the University of Oxford; obtained my Masters in Biological Sciences from the ANU; and now, I’ve finally started my PhD! Unfortunately, the road to a scientific education is not always easy.
While working for my Masters degree, there was little help from the ANU concerning the additional obligatory costs by international students, nor was there much information about navigating the Australian Immigration system for visa applications. I was fortunate to have the support and guidance of my husband, but not all of us are so lucky. This anecdote exemplifies only one issue facing CoS students and is comparatively benign. As your voice, I will bring any grievances to the forefront of PARSA considerations and seek opportunities to promote social experiences within the College and the ANU at large.
This is a time for your intellectual development and to contribute your novel discoveries. You have an experiment to perform, a High Distinction to attain, and a novel theory to perfect – not to mention having fun! My Vision for PARSA is one that facilitates these goals through effectively and proactively working to make your collegiate experience one you will fondly remember. Vote for us so we can help you realise your Vision of post-graduate life at the ANU.
College of Health & Medicine (CHM) Officer
Emily Sisson (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Empower

Hi, my name is Emily and I am nominating for the Coursework Representative for the College of Health and Medicine (CHM) on the Team Empower Ticket. I am a 1st year medical student, with previous experience in representation and advocacy including having sat on the Future Health Leaders’ Council of Australia during my undergraduate degree representing medical science students across Australia.
As the Coursework Rep for CHM, I hope to help cultivate closer relations between PARSA and the coursework students of CHM, including those in the medical school and in postgraduate psychology and public health degrees through the three key directives of PARSA:
Specifically, I would like to facilitate this through finding ways to better align PARSA events with CHM students’ timetables and better communicating PARSA opportunities to students (such as through degree/year level Facebook groups) as well as exploring ways PARSA can collaborate with student societies such as ANUMSS.
In-line with PARSA’s mission statement, I would also like to be a point-of-contact for alternative advocacy pathways and a conduit for feedback to college administration.
Lastly, I would also like to be a source of information for PARSA support services for CHM coursework students. In this domain I would also like to investigate avenues in which PARSA can ensure those based off-campus (such as at The Canberra Hospital) are supported.
For more information on Empower’s broader policies check out our website or social media!
Rebecca Lawrence (HDR Officer)
Ticket: Empower

Hi everybody! My name is Bec, and I am running to be HDR representative for students in the college of health and medicine. I am a member of the ticket called Empower. Empower’s main aim is to improve both academic and social experience at ANU for all postgraduate students.
Right now I am in the third year of my research PhD in psychology. Being a later year HDR student, I have come to see and understand many of the challenges we might experience during our research candidature. I would like the chance to be a college rep to help improve how HDR students are able to navigate their way through these issues. For example, I would like to better HDR processes such as milestone reporting, the transparency and communication of guidelines for administrative and academic processes in the college, as well as increase opportunities for socialisation for the college HDR students, through both in person and online communities. Most importantly however, I want to know what you as a HDR student would like to improve, and I will work hard to achieve your ideas.
If you would like to learn more about our team, you can visit our website, and like our Instagram and Facebook profiles.
Kitiphume Thammasiraphop (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Vision

Hi everyone. I am a current third year medical student and would like to do my bit for the College of Health and Medicine by representing, following up and acting on your concerns and suggestions. I am currently President of the ANU Thai Association, and Founding President of the ANU Buddhist Association. Last year I was Secretary of the ANU Medical Students’ Society and had the opportunity to work alongside amazing friends and colleagues across all years.
With regards to the Medical School, I see a lot of overlap between the work of the Medical Students’ Society and the College Representative. I believe that the two could complement each other to be a greater voice for you.
If given the opportunity I aim to learn more about the College structure and find avenues where positive changes can be implemented at the university level. At times our location and discipline may confine us into isolation – this does not have to be so. I would like to see more involvement of students from the College of Health and Medicine in PARSA so that we can enrich our university experience here at the ANU. Furthermore, I would like our College to have a growing and more prominent presence within the ANU community, and to truly influence PARSA’s VISION – your VISION – for students and the university.
College of Arts & Social Science (CASS) Officer
Conrad Maclean (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Empower

I’m Conrad. I’m From West Australia. I am at ANU to study my Masters in Middle Eastern Central Asian Studies. I am Running on the Empower Ticket for Arts and Social Sciences Representative because I want to make the student life more affordable.
I mean, I came here from Western Australia thinking I would be able to get Centrelink Student payments for my studies. When I got here I found that Centrelink doesn’t even recognise my course. I looked into it a little bit. There are many other Masters courses which they just don’t recognise. I mean What a disgrace!
And If I get elected Arts and Social sciences Rep, I’m going to fight to change that.
I’d also like to have Arts and Social Sciences Dinners: a chance to meet your cohort and get free food.
And what about an Arts and Sciences student Bursary, a bit of money for a student If they’re really hard up you know? Just an Idea.
Also, I’d like to help contribute to strengthen the makers space. The Makers space is this awesome place on campus where they have 3D printers, they have nails, they have glue, they have hammers they have chisels. You can build and fix pretty much anything you want. Let’s direct resources to empowering those people. What an awesome facility.
About me? I’m from West Australia, As I said, I like sport, I like pretty much any type of music, I like poetry, art, wide range of interests. ( Word limit reached) (A video will be uploaded later)
Katie Cox (HDR Officer)
Ticket: Vision
Hi everyone! I’m Katie, a third year PhD student in Literature, and I’m really excited to be running as a College Officer for CASS. I’ve studied at ANU since I started my undergraduate degree in 2009, so I know the ups and downs of life at this university. I believe that a vibrant postgraduate community is vital for our success – whether success means maintaining our mental health during our degrees, inspiring one another with brilliant research, or building strong networks for life after our degrees – because what matters is how we define and create success together.
As postgraduate students, we face all sorts of challenges that get in the way of the research we’re here to do. We need our working environment to be fair, inclusive and transparent, with all expectations communicated clearly. For that, we need strong and passionate advocacy within CASS and ANU more broadly, which is what I intend to do if elected as your representative. Over the past two years, I’ve been involved in advocacy in the college in connection with PARSA. This year, as ANU moves to redefine the PhD, I want to raise the volume on the contributions I’ve been able to make already, and ensure our voices are heard in the future of our university.
I’m running with Vision for PARSA, as part of a passionate and dedicated team who are keen to make ANU a better place. We envision an inclusive, vibrant postgraduate community that amplifies your voice. (Word limit reached)
College of Law (CoL) Officer
Haikun Huang (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Empower

Hey! My name is HK and I’m running for the position of College of Law representative with Team Empower!
Being a part of a community is what studying law at the ANU should be all about.
As JD students our lived experiences are as diverse as the reasons that bring us together. Many of us work part-time. Many of us study part-time. Some of us study solely online. Many of us do not know very well, if at all, our fellow students who commenced their studies even just half a year, one year apart. All of us lead unique and busy lives whatever goals we aim to achieve by studying Law here at the ANU.
I want to promote a greater sense of community within the College of Law. Many of us aim to practice law in some form or another; that is why we are here. These kinds of connections are invaluable in both our professional and personal lives. There have been a number of JD-specific events this past year for this purpose, but I want to see more being done.
2019 will be an interesting time with the revamped JD program taking effect from semester 1. The capstone programs will continue to be run. A new grading policy is being developed. If elected, I will be here to support you and to advocate on your behalf to ensure that our student interests are being effectively represented.
As Sarah Heathcote would say: is everyone with me?
Kate Falconer (HDR Officer)
Ticket: Vision

Hi there! My name is Kate and I am from Brisbane, Queensland. I am running as a College Officer for the College of Law. I am a PhD student at the College and am really excited to be a voice for College of Law postgraduate coursework and research students at PARSA. I believe that an important element of the role of College Officer is drawing attention to issues faced by postgraduate students that can go overlooked (or even swept under the rug!). I am particularly interested in addressing mental health issues faced by postgraduate students, and encouraging them to seek and receive recognition and commendation for their work.
Being a postgraduate student at the College of Law can sometimes be isolating, and I am really invested in building a stronger postgraduate community at the College that embraces PhD, LLM, SJD, and JD students. Having done my LLM overseas and experienced a really cohesive postgraduate law community that encompassed JD, LLM, and SJD students, I am really excited to work on making the ANU College of Law more interconnected. I have a really strong vision for the postgraduate community at the College of Law, and look forward to working with JDs, LLMs, and PhDs alike!
Chris Skoglund (Coursework Officer)
Ticket: Vision

Hello! I’m Chris and I want to be your PARSA representative at the College of Law. I’m running with the Vision team to support and work for postgraduate students across the ANU.
I started my Juris Doctor program in mid-2016 after moving from Melbourne, so I’ve been at the College for a little over two years. We’ve got a great community with a diverse and vibrant student body, but I understand the unique challenges faced by postgraduate students and I recognise the importance of effective representation and advocacy.
If elected, my key priority would be ensuring that postgraduate students are never an afterthought at a College that can sometimes feel engulfed with LLBs: I would address concerns relating to the release of marks for students completing intensive courses in their final semester; I would ensure that the College continues to cater for the many of us who balance professional and academic commitments; I would promote events and opportunities to foster a closer and more inclusive postgraduate community. Most importantly, I would be an open ear and an effective channel of communication for your questions, concerns and grievances.
Studying law at a postgraduate level is tough. Let me do the work of navigating the administration and ensuring that we receive the support that we need to thrive in our studies. Let me advocate for your Vision of postgraduate study at the ANU College of Law. Vote for me and my team - Vision PARSA.