Summer Program 2022 - Women's Self-Defence Class

Summer Program 2022 - Women's Self-Defence Class

Thu 27 January 2022 12:00-15:00

Dojo at ANU Sport, ANU

To all postgraduate women at the ANU, are you looking to break a sweat and kick some goals in the summer? Come join us for a Women's Self-defence Workshop!

Following increased interest in personal safety and practical self-defence, PARSA has teamed up with ANU Sport to run a FREE self-defence workshop for all of our members who identify as women or non-binary. This workshop will provide an introductory experience into the key psychological, physical, social, and cultural aspects of women's empowerment, an opportunity to learn how to defend ourselves, how to develop confidence, and how to find comfort at any moment of our lives.

When: Thursday, 27th January 2022
Time: 12:00 - 15:00
Where: Dojo at ANU Sport, the Australian National University, 19 North Rd, Acton ACT 2601
Cost: FREE

LIMITED SPOTS available, book your tickets now.

This three-hour workshop will explore the following with playfulness, humour and sensitivity:

·         Psychological aspects of self-defence (target selection, hunter mindset, myth busting, instincts, social/emotional traps);

·         Basic striking, assertive body language, physical boundary execution;

·         Primary and secondary targets for effective defence;

·         The art of saying 'no' with your body as well as your voice;

·         Embodying your self-defence strategy.

No prerequisites. Please wear comfortable clothing for moving lots. Please wear a mask, check in via the Check In CBR App upon arrival, and follow Covid-safe guidelines throughout the event.

*COVID Safety Information:

1. This event will include precautions such as physically distanced standing arrangements, hand sanitisers and wipes available at the venue, increased cleaning of public spaces and high-touch surfaces, and staff and volunteer training in COVID-safe procedures.

2. Stay home if you are unwell.

3. Get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19.

4. Stay 1.5m apart.

5. Maintain good hand hygiene.

Contact PARSA

PARSA Office
Level 2, Di Riddell Student Centre
Kambri Precinct
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601